martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014


In the description below, users may know how the blog will be officially organized:

     1)    Posts will be the main source of information of the blog. The material will be published in text notes at the left; each text note is organized in different labels, according to each language skill. Once the material of a unit is finished, next unit will be published in those text notes, and it will be noticed in a new post. I will employ the use of a forum to record the “old” material and to discuss about it, although you may also do this on the blog.
2)      I will employ any kind of multimedia resources: links of others websites with information related to the language, videos related with the main topic of the unit, images to practice the skill of Speaking, for instance, and an extra forum and a chat to make communication easier, not only the relationship teacher-student, but student-student too.

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